
The Fan Researchers Network was founded in 2013 at the European Fans´ Congress in Amsterdam, organised by Football Supporters Europe (FSE) congress in Amsterdam. The intention was to share research on football supporters across Europe and to set up a European network of interdisciplinary researchers who work on fan issues. The research area is broad and there are no intentions to narrow the scope in the network. On the contrary, the network is open to all researchers that do research related to football supporters.

The Fan Researcher Network consists of researchers from several countries and a wide range of fields from all over Europe. The purpose of the network is to bring together the different competencies, share research, and research ideas in order to deepen our understanding of football supporters and their role in society. The network is completely independent and receives no financial help from FSE and their member don´t have to be members of FSE. Nevertheless, representatives of the network will work closely together with FSE and regularly meet with the FSE-board to discuss collaborative work and projects.

The network will meet once a year and host a workshop in connection to the FSE-congress.


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